11 Stretches You Can Do From Your Office Desk

No matter how awkward you might look or feel, it’s important to not to let your body stiffen up or even develop injuries from too much time spent at your desk. Here's a list of some of the stretches you can do from the comfort of your office desk to prevent this. When you're done with that, have a go at our suggested workout you can do from your office desk.

Here's our list of stretches you can do from your office desk to counteract sitting still for long periods:

Shrug It Off

Shrug your shoulders. Raise them to your ears, hold for 10 seconds and release. Repeat five times.

Butt Clench

Clench your glutes for 30 seconds and release. Repeat five times.

Stand and Sit

If you stand up and sit down for 30 seconds without using your hands, it will get the blood pumping. Do it whilst you’re on the phone – no one will be any the wiser!

Ditch the chair

Try to replace your desk chair with an exercise ball so you can workout your abs and lower body whilst you work.

Shake it

Move your head very slowly in a ‘yes’ and ‘no’ fashion to loosen up those neck muscles.

Air circles

Keep your arms stretched in front of you, clench your fists and make air circles. Alternate the direction.

Hands up

Raise your arms one by one. This will work your shoulders as well as your upper arms.

Torso Twist

Sitting at your desk, make sure your back is straight and bring your right arm behind your right hip. Twist your back and hold for 30 seconds before releasing. Repeat and alternate sides.

Leg Extensions

Grab your chair for balance, and extend your legs so they are parallel to the floor. Flex and point your toes for 30 seconds. Release and repeat.

Bear Hugs

This may sound odd but…give yourself a hug! Place your right hand on your left shoulder and vice versa. Breathe in and out deeply as you release the area between your shoulder blades.

Tricep Dips

Placing your arms behind your back, lean on your chair and slowly raise and lower your body.

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