3 Tips To Put The Fun Back Into Your Fitness

We all know the fitness mantras: feel the burn, no pain, no gain, test your limits. Time and time again we try to bully ourselves into reaching our potential. The fitness industry can often go hand in hand with the idea of pain and guilt. When we push ourselves, we tend to focus on the end result as motivation, and it's all too easy to forget the vital missing ingredient: fun.

#1 Figure out your favourite way to workout
If you aren't having fun when you workout, then you are relying almost entirely on willpower. There needs to be a deeper motivation and a sense of enjoyment in order to really get the best out of your workout, and to sustain it. What is fun for one person is not always fun for another, so try to evaluate what it is you most enjoy in terms of sport and follow that enjoyment. Gyms in London offer just about anything - classes set to pop music, boot camps, group workouts, and working with a personal trainer are all activities which will exercise your body, mind and social life.

#2 Re-evaluate your fitness routine

If you are not having fun with your current workout or routine, then it's time to stop and reflect. It's helpful to ask yourself ‘WHY?’ - Why are you doing this and why is it important to you? The stronger your why, the greater your enjoyment will be. If you’ve lost your why then there's nothing wrong with slowing down and focusing on your motivations and purpose. For some people their fitness journey is a sprint, for others it is a marathon, which is why it is so important to find your fun.

You could be signed up to the best gym in London but not find the fitness fulfilment you seek. When we follow our fun we can overcome hurdles we never imagined. If you like swimming, running and cycling, training for a Ironman will be hard but you will garner a deep satisfaction from undertaking a challenge which brings you pleasure. If you like yoga, making the effort to increase your weekly sessions will feel like a treat rather than a chore.

#3 Change your approach
Make a choice to do fitness differently, and turn it into a reward rather than an obligation. You don't have to do it alone. Fitness should not be something you lump on your 'to-do' list, or something you dread. You should want to do it because it brings you joy and happiness. Everyone has something that they enjoy, no matter what level of fitness they have, or even if they haven't found what it is that they really love yet. So go and find what you love, and transform your fitness.

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