7 Reasons You Need Kettlebells In Your Life

There’s a reason kettlebells are so popular. Whether you’re a newbie to kettlebells or just still not convinced, here are ONE LDN’S 7 reasons you need them in your life:

1. Versatility and variation

The potential kettlebells have is endless. You can choose to work out your entire body from back and butt to arms and legs with squats, swings and even pushing movements.

2. Compact and Convenient

Their size makes them easily portable, and anyone who loves weights will find they can be stowed away without taking up too much space.

3. Fantastic for Fat Burning

Kettlebell workouts are extremely dynamic and usually encompass large muscle which can burn up to 400 calories in a 20-minute session, they can be used for both Cardio and HIIT –the movements really ramp up the heart rate and get your body burning fat stores as well as improving strength at the same time. Plus kettlebells are a firm favourite of celebrities like Jessica Biel, Jennifer Lopez, Jennifer Aniston, and Penelope Cruz.

5. Improved Joint Stability

In order to stabilise your joints and keep your body tip top, kettlebells should be a part of your routine. Sarah Matelart, Spin, pump, TRX, HIIT instructor and personal trainer at ONE says: "Force production correlates directly to force control. The more stable joints are, the more force it will allow the body to produce."

6. You’ll improve your posture

The bending and stretching repetition exercises mean that kettlebells help to build a strong core, which means less slouching over your desk and more elegant posture. Not only that, but according to Sarah, " A strong core ensures proper force transfer through the body." which means the stronger your core becomes, the better your workout.

7. Affordability

Investing in kettlebells won’t break the bank, which means that you can outfit your home and create your own personal gym without setting yourself back too much. Since they are made of steel or cast iron, they will also never have to be replaced.

These are only some of the advantages of working out with kettlebells. They will help you improve grip strength, posterior chain recruitment, joint stability, core strength, kinaesthetic awareness, posture, and coordination, so what are you waiting for? Book a KB Throwdown class at ONELDN's Chelsea gym now!

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