The benefits of Strength Training for women

Strength is the answer …

We love March because it is the beginning of spring and an opportunity to take a fresh start.

Even though January seems to be the month when most people attempt their yearly gym visit, March is the time when we actually start stripping the layers and start thinking about embarking on that pre-summer preparation.

During the Roman Empire, March symbolised heroism and strength, in the modern days International Women’s Day is celebrated on the 8th of March.

So, at ONE LDN we want to dedicate March to celebrating female strength.

Strength training is one of the most effective ways to burn fat, build muscle, increase metabolism, increase bone density. It helps control blood sugar, improves cholesterol levels, and improves your balance and coordination.

These and many more health benefits behind strength training are to blame for the almost nuclear explosion of its popularity amongst women. However, in the words of @thefoodmedic (Hazel Wallace) ‘the constant bombardment of information through social media is making it increasingly difficult for people to understand what to focus on in the gym’.

One thing that we know for sure is that strength is good, strong is the new skinny, and female strength is very much ‘IN’. The fitness industry is dominated by trends but ONELDN believes strength should never be just a phase. Strength work should be the foundations upon which all training fundamentals can be based.

We love strength training and we want to get more girls into strength training - lifting, squatting, without being afraid of ‘bulking up’. At ONE LDN education and support from one another is an absolute key. We learn so much from one another and motivate one another to achieve more and become better versions of ourselves.

That’s why throughout the month we will be doing a series of interviews, blogs, tips from various female expects in the industry, who many consider the voices of authority to bring you different views on various aspects of strength training. No matter what their main discipline is, yoga, barre, weightlifting, running, or even meditation, they all rely on strength to propel them further! So, whether you are still considering to take a leap into being strong or you want to build on what you already know and take your training to another level, we are positive that everyone would find something interesting for them.




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