Best Exercise During Pregnancy

Best Exercise During Pregnancy: Maintaining The Balance

If you are trying to stay fit whilst pregnant, then you want to aim for exercises that will raise your heart rate and keep your body supple, without overly exerting yourself. Some exercises which may be beneficial during the early stages (such as weight training and running) may need to be modified as your pregnancy develops.

Ideally you will benefit from a mixture of aerobics and strength exercises at least three times a week, or more. Here we've pulled together the best exercise during pregnancy.

1. Walking

Either outdoors in the fresh air, or on the treadmill if it’s too cold outside, walking is a fantastic way to stay fit and go easy on your body. Ideally 30 minutes per day or more, at least five times a week. It is also something that can easily be incorporated into daily life.

2. Swimming

Swimming is usually considered the ideal exercise during pregnancy because it puts so little stress on your body. It also works as a full body workout, and tends to have the added advantage of easing pain and swelling in the later stages of pregnancy.

3. Jogging

Jogging is a fantastic no nonsense, fuss-free way of working out both your mind and body, and you can adjust the distance to what you feel capable of.

4. Yoga

Yoga classes specifically for pregnant women is a fantastic way to sustain muscle tone and flexibility. It is gentle on your joints and will keep your body supple.

5. Aerobics

Antenatal aerobics classes are a fantastic way to socialize and get fit at the same time. Make sure you stick to low-impact exercises in order to avoid injury or put your joints under too much stress.

Before undertaking exercise when pregnant, it is crucial to speak to a doctor beforehand.

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