HIIT Strength Workout Plan

One of the most important things to consider when creating a fitness regime is how to build your strength. As the baseline of your sporting performance, strength is the focus of this HIIT workout ONE LDN has put together to help you build your HIIT strength workout plan. It might be a bit different from the way you normally exercise; forget timed intervals, and instead focus on the number of repetitions in order to really build strength.

Before you start, make sure you do a full body warm up. Aim to complete the workout plan about three times per week with rest days in between. After the first month, increase your number of rounds in each session and up the amount of time by fifteen minutes.

#1 Hardcore Sumo Squat

15 reps

Keeping feet shoulder width apart, align your torso and lower into a squat. From the squat position jump up and point your toes, land softly, bending the knees to take the weight.

#2 Tuck Jump

15 reps

Standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, and arms stacked over your chest. Lower into a squat as low as you possibly can and then jump as high as possible, bringing your knees up to your chest as you do so. Repeat.

#3 Thrust

15 reps

Get into a crouch position with your hands on the floor. Jump your feet backwards so you are now in a push-up position. Jump them back to the starting position and jump up with hands raise above your head. Repeat.

#4 Plank

15 reps

Lie on the floor on your front with your toes tucked under and your arms forming a triangle underneath your shoulders. Slowly raise yourself keeping your back and pelvis aligned. Hold for as long as you can, and slowly release. Repeat.

#5 Tap-Up

15 reps

Begin in a push-up position. Do a normal push-up, but as youre coming back up to the starting position, tap your left shoulder with the fingertips of your right hand. Alternate the move with the other arm, and that counts for one rep.

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