It's Play Time

It’s Play Time: Start 2017 with a smile on your face

The Christmas holidays may be over for another year but here at ONE LDN we don’t believe the fun should stop just because the party season is over.

While for many people the start of a New Year means heading back to work and hiding ourselves in a world of detox, diets and dreariness, we’re making January Play Time.

At ONE LDN we’ve always believed the journey is better than the destination and achieving your goals will be a natural by-product of that journey.

So rather than beating yourself up about gaining a few pounds and fretting over having to hit specific goals, we’re here to make sure you have fun getting into shape and make 2017 a wonderful adventure.

Health, just like your happiness, shouldn’t be about quick fixes, faddy diets and whimsical workouts. It’s about sustainable and realistic routines that ensure you have a smile on your face throughout life’s journey.

We appreciate it’s one thing to say everyone should always have a smile on their face, but in reality it’s not always easy live by the mantra. That’s why our promise to you in 2017 is to ensure we provide you with the best classes, the best events, the best instructors and the best facilities, so you always get the most from your workout and leave ONE LDN with a smile.

We’ll be kicking off 2017 with a timetable packed full of amazing classes, ranging from Muay Thai, Weightlifting, Barre and HIIT, while we’ll also be hosting some incredible events.

January will see our weekly Nike+ Training Club sessions kick off, while we’ll also be hosting a WBFF seminar with Tom Brazier, as well as a special event with health and wellbeing guru Hannah Mills from Wedges & Weights.

2017 also promises to be an exciting year for ONE LDN with the opening of our new studio at Tower Hill in February

So, don’t let the New Year blues get the better of you, come and PLAY with ONE LDN.

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