Want a serious six-pack? Skip the sit-ups and get in the ring

Boxing has been gaining increasing popularity over the past few years. Its effectiveness has been praised by so many A-listers as a way of keeping their bodies in shape as well as many Victoria secret models.

A two-for-one cardio and strength workout, boxing targets the entire body. In addition to boosting strength and cardio respiratory fitness, boxing improves several skill-related parameters of fitness, including balance, coordination, reactivity, and agility. And with a potential burn rate of 13 calories a minute, boxing goes head-to-head with other types of cardio like running and cycling.

Perhaps the ultimate high-intensity interval training workout, most boxing rounds alternate between periods of maximum effort and active recovery. It is both an aerobic and an anaerobic workout. That means as the workout intensity increases, your body requires more energy than aerobic metabolism can provide, and suddenly you’re also in anaerobic training territory—the type of exercise that builds strength, speed, and power, and boosts your metabolism. So, compared to running at a steady clip, boxing burns more calories in less time.

Want a serious six-pack? Skip the sit-ups and get in the ring instead.

Is there anything that tops a boxing work out? Yes – Muay Thai.

Muay Thai or Thai Boxing is the national sport and cultural martial art of Thailand. It was developed several hundreds of years ago, as a form of close-combat that utilizes the entire body as a weapon.

The level of fitness conditioning of Muay Thai is hard to replicate, as well as balance, flexibility and coordination that anyone starting Muay Thai picks up along the way. The workout is more fun, due to the skills learnt in the process and more challenging. Due to many kicking elements, Muay Thai also works legs and bums, which traditional boxing does not. And guess what, the kicking is also the secret behind the best abs of the Muay Thai fighters.

Thus, the number of calories that is burned in a session supersedes any other workouts, 1000+ calories. And, burning calories at the level at intensity means that there is no comparative work out for afterburn of calories post the workout

ONE LDN Muay Thai and Boxing studio brings the authenticity of Thailand fight scene to London. Coaches all have a background in fighting and pose the ability to bring exceptional fight technique and blend it with a fun, inclusive, high intensity and sweat filled fight conditioning class.

Participants will experience a frantic high intensity session with minimal rest. Always on the go either working on the sequencing combinations or listening to the coach there is no opportunity to relax. Each participant will be pushed out of their comfort zone.

Whether you’re competing, new to the game, or looking to just have some fun with your workout, this session will have you coming back for more, whilst pushing you to your limits.

Check out our studio timetable here.

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