The Best Exercise For A Bad Back

Anyone who has back pain knows how unbearable it can be. Although your natural impulse may be to rest your back and avoid movement, exercise can actually help eliminate pain. It is crucial to consult a healthcare professional before undertaking any exercise for a bad back. Depending on the cause of your pain, some exercises may be beneficial whilst others may in fact increase the discomfort. So be careful when choosing the best exercise for a bad back.

As a general guide, exercise will help strengthen the core which in turns strengthens the back and reduces pain. Here is ONE LDN’s guide to the best exercises for bad backs, which aims to strengthen the core.

#1 Seated Good Morning

The Seated good morning is a great exercise for bad back as it will strengthen the weakest point of the posterior chain and work on flexibility. This loosens the tight areas at the posterior chain and muscles surrounding the hip (adductors and abductors). To do a Seated Good Morning, choose a light weight on a power rack and set the pins to the correct height. Step under the bar, placing it across the back of your shoulders and squeeze shoulder blades in towards one another, rotating elbows forward. Bend forward as much as you can at the hips and keep the bar tight, with your back, shoulders and core engaged. Hold the position just above the pins, and reverse the movement until you reach the upright position. This is one repetition.

#2 Partial Crunches

Partial crunches work on strengthening the back and stomach muscles helping you with good posture simultaneously. Lie on the floor with bent knees and the soles of your feet flat on the ground. Engage your stomach muscles, and cross your arms over your chest. Keeping the torso tight, raise your shoulders from the floor and breathe out. Hold the position for a few seconds before slowly releasing and returning to the initial position. This is one repetition.

#3 Hamstring Stretches

These stretches work out the hamstrings which can often become tight and have an effect on the back, in turn causing pain. To do this stretch, make sure you have a resistance band or towel to hand. Lie on the floor with one knee bent, and straighten the other leg. Using the resistance band or towel over the ball of your raised foot, try to pull the foot towards you, so that the sole is facing the ceiling. Hold for as long as is comfortable and slowly release.

Exercising with an injury of any kind is always something that should be done with caution, and never without the advice of a professional fitness instructor or physiotherapist.

See Also

The Best Exercise For Bad Hips

The Best Exercise for Bad Posture

The Best Exercise for Bad Knees

The Best Exercise for a Bad Neck

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