Wellness Crush: Jenna McKean, CrossFit Coach

Jenna McKean, CrossFit coach, ONE LDN trainer, and breakfast aficionado shares her workout tips and regime. You’ll find her in the Powerzone area, giving a tough-love approach during her 6:30am WOD classes or beating her personal record at ‘hand-stand push-ups’.

How did you first get into fitness?

I have always been into sport. From age three I did ballet, gymnastics, swam and did Karate to name a few. In high school I dabbled in other sports but nothing stuck the way CrossFit did; I think it’s because it’s so varied - there’s just so much to work on you can never get bored.

Do you have a favorite HIIT workout, or cardio workout you do?

I guess if we are talking intervals, I have a real love-hate relationship with the assault bike.

For those who don’t know, can you explain what CrossFit is?

CrossFit includes all kinds of fitness from lifting weights to get strong, to lifting weights faster for cardio, gymnastics movements, body building, swimming, running, biking, really doesn’t exclude anything. It’s a broad and inclusive fitness model that aims to leave no holes in your physical preparedness. The most important aspect of CrossFit though that really sets it apart from other fitness trends is quality coaching. The number one aim of CrossFit is to get people moving well and safe, then to get them stronger and faster. I picture an army of unbreakable old people in 40 years.

What types of competition do you take part in?

I compete in CrossFit comps and am really partial to a team competition. I also compete in weightlifting to a national level.

Your WOD workouts are notoriously tough – do you add aspects of CrossFit into the WOD workouts?

My WOD classes are structured similarly to how I coach CrossFit. I set the standard high for movement quality and enforce this in my class. It’s as difficult as you make it for yourself within the limits of how quickly and intensely you can move well. The aim is to get 0.1% better every time you come and that takes work from both sides.

What is your favourite CrossFit ‘move’ or exercise?

My favourite lift is the snatch and I love muscle ups and handstand push ups.

Are there any sneaky tips you’ve got for us to keep active and healthy… even if it’s just at our desk?

At your desk I would keep a lacrosse ball. You can roll out/massage your glutes, hamstrings, back and feet.

What type of diet do you like to stick to? Does nutrition play a big part in your training?

I stick to the 80/20 rule and listen to my body. I also supplement with Maximuscle products (BCAA’s, creatine, HMB, Zma and vitamin D).

What inspires you to be the healthiest version of yourself?

I feel best when my training is going well...when I’m seeing measurable improvements. I much prefer a personal best on something I have worked hard on than a hangover and a greasy breakfast.

What is the first thing you do each morning?

Make protein porridge!

What is your go-to snack?

Greek yogurt with some homemade granola and peanut butter.

What’s one thing can’t you live without?

My support system (family, boyfriend). They keep me grounded.

Do you have a secret talent?

Sadly not. I’m a terrible singer and don’t know any card tricks. I can walk around on my hands pretty well though.

What’s the last thing you do before you go to bed?

Brush my teeth and take my supplements, like the grandma that I am.

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