Wellness Crush: Sadie Reid, Editor of Hip and Healthy

ONE LDN spoke to Sadie Reid, Founder and Editor of Hip and Healthy. One of the first people to break out into the wellness industry before it had gathered momentum, her site is now one of the leading sources for fitness and health. We spoke to the health guru, entrepreneur and working mum to find out how she manages it all...

How did Hip and Healthy come about?

I was living in Hong Kong freelance writing and through researching health and fitness titles that I was hoping to work for I realised that very few of them were online and none of the ones that were online where lovely to look at and delivered a luxury product to the reader - that’s when I thought that I could fill that gap in the market. It was very soon after Hip & Healthy first launched as an online wellbeing magazine that we then set wheels in motion to get the digital activewear store set up, which came about because readers kept commenting on all the images that we shot to illustrate the articles asking us where the clothes were from. They were all from far-flung super stylish sportswear stores and that’s when we realized that we could bring our curated selection of the best performance where across the globe to our readers here in the UK. We were the first online luxury multi-branded sportswear retailer and it’s amazing to see how the market has grown so much!

Have you always been health conscious?

Yes – my mum has been relentless with her health advice since I was little and somewhere along the way I guess not only did it sink in but I started to crave it more and more! Now I love it.

How do you juggle being a mother, running a business, and staying in shape?

I juggle. I find there can be a lot of balls up in the air at any one time. And I accept that there is no such thing as balance and that way I feel less guilty when, on occasion, I drop the ball on something.

What does your typical day look like?

On a good day, I tend to spend the morning getting myself and Max ready. I’ll drop Max off at nursery and then head to Richmond Park for a run then it’s into the office for a day of meetings, catch ups and lots of emails. I’ll leave work at around 4.30/5pm to pick up Max again. We then have fun for a couple of hours before he goes to bed, after which, I hop on to my laptop again to catch up on anything at the end of the day. Bed at 10.30 is the aim but rarely the reality!

What is your favourite way to workout?

Running is my therapy.

What is the first thing you do each morning?

Check my phone!

What does balance mean to you?

It means a load of rubbish. Balance is unattainable and the word makes me feel bad.

How do you relax?

Watching a really good series like The Crow, with my hubby, and a cup of tea and om bar.

What is your guilty pleasure?

The aforementioned Om Bar.

What one thing can’t you live without?

Ummm.. can I say Om Bar?

What is your usual dinner party menu?

Either a Maddy Shaw chicken dish, or my sister, Naturally Sassy’s, Lentil Shepherds Pie.

What is your favourite sportswear brand?

I have too many to choose from, but a few faves our Alo Yoga for amazing yoga clothes, Tully Lou for something super stylish and different, not to mention Varley and Lilybod.

What advice would you give to yourself as a teenager?

Don’t squeeze your spots.

What was the last book you read?

The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod.

What is your beauty routine like?

Terrible and inconsistent. My face cleanser and moisturiser is from Aurelia at the moment which is my only saving grace.

What is your go – to snack?

A matcha latte and a Livias Kitchen treat.

What are your New Year's resolutions for 2017?

Drink more water. And be more mindful and less anxious.

What advice would you give to someone hoping to turn their passion into a reality?

Just start.

Fill your Christmas stockings this year at Hip and Healthy

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