The Workout You Can Do From Your Office Desk

In this busy day and age, health and fitness can often take a back seat. However, there is a light at the end of the tunnel… there is a way you can get work done at the office and keep your body active. Although it’s no substitute for a proper workout, if you steal a few minutes dotted throughout the day and follow this office desk workout, you can keep your body supple and avoid the sore wrists, back pain or repetitive strain injuries that working life so often causes. For the best results, do this workout after completing our list of 11 stretches you can do from your office desk.

Here is the ultimate workout you can do from your office desk:

Head and Shoulders

Neck Rotations: To avoid neck stiffness and lactic acid building in your shoulders, make sure you rotate your neck from side to side, slowly, both forwards and backwards.

Shoulder Roll: Try rolling your shoulders for a minute to ease shoulder pain from long periods of sitting.

Shoulder Raises: Bring your shoulder to your ear, hold for 30 second and release. Alternate shoulders.

Upper body

Tricep Dips: Placing your arms behind your back, lean on your chair and slowly raise and lower your body.

Bicep Curls: Use a full water bottle instead of a weight to work out your arms at your desk.

Air boxing: Try standing and throwing a few jabs into the air.

Fist Pump: pump your arms over your head for 30 seconds.

Wrist Stretch: Stretch your arm out with your palm facing upwards. With your free hand, interlock fingers and gently pull them to stretch your forearm.

Lower Body

Step Ups: Take the stairs instead of the lift, every time.

Calf Raises: Standing in front of your desk hold on to balance yourself. Alternating legs, slowly raise and lower your heels from the floor.

Lunges: While walking (and hopefully without anyone watching) try to extend your legs and posture into a lunge.

Leg extensions. While sitting at your desk, keeping your legs underneath and out of sight, extend your right leg until it is level with your hip. Hold for 30 seconds and release. Repeat and alternate legs.


Body Twist: Sitting at your desk, make sure your back is straight and bring your right arm behind your right hip. Twist your back and hold for 30 seconds before releasing. Repeat and alternate sides.

Glute Clench: Tense your glutes and hold for 30 seconds.

Abs Stretch: Sitting on the edge of your chair, bring your arms straight out in front of you and keep your back straight. Then contract your abdominal muscles for 30 seconds. Release and repeat.

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