Yoga vs Pilates

Yoga and Pilates are often considered to be in the same camp. But despite similar appearances, there are fundamental differences to be aware of. Not only that, but it’s also worth bearing in mind that there are many different forms and styles of both Yoga and Pilates. We’ve highlighted some of the differences to help you decide which practice would suit you best:


Yoga is an ancient practice originating from India. Believed to have been started over 5000 years ago, It has since evolved into several different types, including Ashtanga, Vineyasa, Bikram, and Hatha to name a few.

In contrast, pilates is a much more recent practice, invented by athlete Joseph Pilates in the 20th Century as he sought to find a new way of rehabilitating and strengthening the body.

However, both practices aim to unite mind and body by focusing on an awareness and state of being in the present.


This really depends on the yoga or pilates class you attend, but generally speaking most yoga classes are flexible and varied in terms of their routine. So the class routine will be dependent on the style of yoga you choose.

Pilates classes tend to incorporate more structure, which usually means you know what will be expected of you in each class.


Certain types of yoga can provide a lot of cardio for example power yoga or Ashtanga which gives the heart an aerobic workout, equivalent to power walking.

Generally speaking, at beginner level pilates won’t raise your heart rate unless you take on a more advanced class that incorporates more aerobic moves.

Other Benefits

Studies have shown that yoga lowers levels of stress hormone Cortisol which means practising yoga will keep you cool as a cucumber. It is also extremely effective for the relief of back pain and arthritis.

Pilates will build your strength, particularly in the back and abdominal areas. This will improve your posture and flexibility, giving you a taller, leaner appearance.

ONE LDN offers both yoga and pilates, so whichever you choose we've got your back. Book in for a yoga or pilates class!

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